You don't say!
what's going on here?
I see. Thank you! And why 'return std::move(dna)' and not just 'return dna'?
I really liked this kata, but it's more a 6kyu, isn't it?
What is 'input >>= 4' doing?
I found that much more readable than the top solution.
Well...this is likely to have a quadratic time complexity, so I don't think it's best practise...
I did it in a programmatic way, because I am bad at math. So what?
That's beautiful.
Well, the kata description says 'The string has a length greater or equal to one and contains only letters from a-z'?
It's seems a general problem on codewars that 'best practise' is interpreted as 'short', regardless of efficiency or readability
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
I agree that the parameter names are poorly chosen, but instead of comments, you could just change them to more telling ones ;)
Is this really best practise? It iterates the string four times, doesn't it?
Ahm...what's going on here?
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You don't say!
what's going on here?
I see. Thank you! And why 'return std::move(dna)' and not just 'return dna'?
I really liked this kata, but it's more a 6kyu, isn't it?
What is 'input >>= 4' doing?
I found that much more readable than the top solution.
Well...this is likely to have a quadratic time complexity, so I don't think it's best practise...
I did it in a programmatic way, because I am bad at math. So what?
That's beautiful.
Well, the kata description says 'The string has a length greater or equal to one and contains only letters from a-z'?
It's seems a general problem on codewars that 'best practise' is interpreted as 'short', regardless of efficiency or readability
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
I agree that the parameter names are poorly chosen, but instead of comments, you could just change them to more telling ones ;)
Is this really best practise? It iterates the string four times, doesn't it?
Ahm...what's going on here?
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