To give you a start, try to find a formula on how to calculate the sum of every number 0 to n. So for n = 10 it would be (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10) = 55. You could calculat this with a for loop or you could come up with a formula.
The real test cases (the ones that get executed when you press ATTEMPT) are much bigger than the example test cases (the ones you have passed). As you see in the error message, you had a stack overflow. If you dont know what that is, this might help: Also, I dont think this is an issue, it is a question.
wow, what an incredible solution
Sorry, I dont really understand what you are talking about.
nice, very clean
Nice to hear!
Can you specify your question?
To give you a start, try to find a formula on how to calculate the sum of every number 0 to n. So for n = 10 it would be (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10) = 55. You could calculat this with a for loop or you could come up with a formula.
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I solved it by looking at the amount of white cells in each row.
The real test cases (the ones that get executed when you press ATTEMPT) are much bigger than the example test cases (the ones you have passed). As you see in the error message, you had a stack overflow. If you dont know what that is, this might help: Also, I dont think this is an issue, it is a question.
Performance testing and because it is fun to have really big numbers.
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