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    I saw the problem like this with another kata a couple days ago. https://www.codewars.com/kata/do-i-get-a-bonus It also contains a Unicode char in tests.
    Perhaps it needs to complain to developers of codewars?

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    My solution passed final test but preliminary tests was failed with exception about assertion error.

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    It is a dirty hack because objects are not really equal and nobody can use it this way because of possible bugs that very hard to find.

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    Tests throws assertion error.

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    It takes me 5 minutes to solve. There is so complex description that solution must be very simple. First try and kata has solved.

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    Even if I return "" in Java it outputs:

    Error: Command failed: javac -verbose -cp /home/codewarrior -d /home/codewarrior -sourcepath /home/codewarrior -cp /usr/local/groovy/lib/junit-4.12.jar:/usr/local/groovy/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar /home/codewarrior/Kata.java /home/codewarrior/BonusTimeTest.java ./frameworks/java/CwRunListener.java
    [parsing started RegularFileObject[/home/codewarrior/Kata.java]]
    [parsing completed 32ms]
    /home/codewarrior/BonusTimeTest.java:31: error: unmappable character for encoding ASCII
    System.out.println("\u00A3 == ??:"+"\u00A3".equals("??"));
    /home/codewarrior/BonusTimeTest.java:31: error: unmappable character for encoding ASCII
    System.out.println("\u00A3 == ??:"+"\u00A3".equals("??"));
    /home/codewarrior/BonusTimeTest.java:31: error: unmappable character for encoding ASCII
    System.out.println("\u00A3 == ??:"+"\u00A3".equals("??"));
    /home/codewarrior/BonusTimeTest.java:31: error: unmappable character for encoding ASCII
    System.out.println("\u00A3 == ??:"+"\u00A3".equals("??"));
    [parsing started RegularFileObject[/home/codewarrior/BonusTimeTest.java]]
    [parsing completed 10ms]
    [parsing started RegularFileObject[./frameworks/java/CwRunListener.java]]
    [parsing completed 1ms]
    [total 111ms]
    4 errors

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    Why do you sort in ascending order?