Already raised as issue
Well, you need to fix your cheese ;-)
Thanks! I have to find a way to block it up someday. But is it really an issue?
You had a chance to shine there FourthFan. And you missed it.
The tests labeled random that aren't are in the translation just as they are in the original. With the same spelling erorr as in the original.
Sometimes you really have to change things from the original when translating ..
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Already raised as issue
Well, you need to fix your cheese ;-)
Thanks! I have to find a way to block it up someday.
But is it really an issue?
You had a chance to shine there FourthFan. And you missed it.
The tests labeled random that aren't are in the translation just as they are in the original. With the same spelling erorr as in the original.
Sometimes you really have to change things from the original when translating ..