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    OP solved it, closing

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    First, It works for every test that I've run on my machine, but it doesn't work on the website. I've tried the ones the website says it fails, and they too work fine.

    "The code works on my end but not here" is not a valid reason to say the kata is bugged in any sense, unless you're implying every single environment works the same way, and you're good enough to be right every single time (hint: you aren't unless you're like the 1% of the Codewars). As you should've seen from the discourse section already over 95% of these "kata is bugged" claims are false, so if you don't have solid evidence to backup your claim (no, "the code works on my end" isn't one. "I can't solve it" or "here's my code" isn't one either) then don't bother, it's most likely to be one of those 95% too.

    Also, your tone in the first post is bad. You should feel bad about it and reflect on how you should properly report a question (a question, not an issue. Also you should give enough actual information that helps other to solve the issue, if it exists. You didn't provide the language you're in or anything).

    Second, what is the way to report an issue?

    If it's an issue, raise an issue. If it's a code problem (hint: see above), raise a question and post your code in spoilers.

    Is there a flag for buggy kata?

    Yes (it's called issue), but it's almost always overused.

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    BTW, Scramblies has a performance requirement, it's not buggy.

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    The proper way is stating the language you're using, this kata has several and we can't guess (or should not) which one you're talking about. Showing your code as you did later is another thing that helps to determine the problem, if it's the kata or your code. Right now I'm on a cell phone and can't check your code. Did you try it in setting Python version to 2.7?

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    First,that's not the way to report an issue. Second, it worked for a lot of people in Python, so it must be your code that doesn't work.

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    Its because your code's too slow :P