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    Thank you for making this Kata.
    I really enjoyed it.

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    I completed this Kata in JavaScript, but I'm curious about why white spaces (' ') are accpeted between words, but non-breaking spaces ('\xa0') are not accepted.

    As far as I know, non breaking spaces do not collapse when rendered in HTML, while normal spaces might be collapsed.


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    Thanks again :)
    My first algorithm was too slow, by selecting Node v0.10 in the dropdown menu and submitting the solution I saw it time out after 130 tests.
    The error message I reported in my first post appeared with the default settings, Node v6 selected (and the message was quite confusing, because it seemed something server side).

    My second algorithm had a "isPrime" function, but was slow because I was creating an array with all primes up to "n".

    After some more attempts I managed to get it right.

    Nice challenge :)

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