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    Та що ж ти в біса таке?

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    PEP8? Well done! Pinned so pinned... ;)

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    In random tests, an error sometimes appears. I ran the same code 10 times and in 3 cases it appeared, and in the rest the tests were passed!

    Reel 1 = Wild Star Bar Bell Seven Cherry King Shell Queen Jack
    Reel 2 = Wild Bar Queen Bell Shell Seven Jack Star King Cherry
    Reel 3 = King Queen Seven Star Shell Cherry Bar Bell Jack Wild
    spins = 0 0 5
    Expecting - 10
    Test Failed
    Expected: 10
    But was: 20
    Completed in 38.3670ms
    Reel 1 = Shell Star Bar Seven Cherry Jack Wild Queen King Bell
    Reel 2 = King Bar Jack Bell Seven Shell Wild Queen Cherry Star
    Reel 3 = Bell Bar Cherry Wild Shell Queen Seven Star Jack King
    spins = 2 6 3
    Expecting - 10
    Test Failed
    Expected: 10
    But was: 20

    In my case, this is due to the fact that I multiply by 2 the result if there are 2 identical pictures and there is a "Wild" picture, regardless of the types of matching pictures. The error should appear on every check, but random tests do not take this into account!

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    Troll level 80

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    I have problems only with the test (2, b19) == b19-1
    I do something wrong, or test is broken?