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    It is only allowing me to reply if I hit the 'mark as resolved' button.

    That is crazy, though... I have never experienced that...

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    Even if it is like that, please, fix the problems first and only then mark an issue as resolved. Otherwise it seems like there was nothing to fix in the first place or you're closing them without fixing anything (and probably the issue will be raised again).

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    Seriously? Give me a break.

    Codewars is not allowing me to reply to messages. It is only allowing me to reply if I hit the 'mark as resolved' button.

    Again (I will hit resolve so I can respond) - I have taken all of your criticism on board and I am working on the issues raised.

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    I simply provided basic useful information (with no direct criticism) that you could have used to make your kata more interesting... for this I get downvoted?

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    None of the issues were fixed + the custom error messages are not informative, and result in more questions than answers.

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    Solve more katas
    Naturally, when you've already solved 10 fibonacci katas, solving another one will make you very nauseous, making you naturally allergic to duplicates ;-)

    Solve more katas (again)
    While the minimum honor for creating a kata is merely 300 honor, if you try to create a kata with just 300 honor, it'll most likely inadvertently be bad.

    Why? With just 300 honor, you haven't even get a grasp of what katas are actually like.

    - CodeWars wiki

    • Yeah, writing superfluous code is a good idea, and, of course, what can be better than teaching other people dumb practices?
    • Random tests are actually random if they result in varying outputs, your ones always expect "Fred, you are considered a good golfer, good work!".
    • No, I expect you to have a general idea of what has and has not been done, so you do not start spamming instant-retirement material, and "return a message based on some trivial conditions" has been done dozens of times.
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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    par on a full length golf course is normally 72, but it can be anywhere from 69 to 73

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    • It doesn't make any sense to pass par as an argument if it's always the same
    • Random tests are not random at all
    • Also a duplicate
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    Why was the issue marked as resolved if no random tests were added? The duplicate problem is harder to fix, you should unpublish this. Or leave it published until it gets retired, but please, take notes about the issues raised (they're raised for a reason) and don't make the same mistakes in your next kata. About how to make random tests, etc. take a look at the katas you've already solved, check their test cases.

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    To achieve a A grade, the combined score needs to be above 270

    you can still achieve the grade if you are equal to the required score

    StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("Congrats, you passed with a A!", Kata.exams(90,90,90))

    So what is the expected behaviour there? The description and tests are self-contradictory.

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    Beta kata is not for you to test things. Anything published to beta is official CW content.

    If you want to test something, don't publish it, and leave it at draft.

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    Thank you for your feedback. Appreciate there are no random tests, I have just managed to reach 300 Kata, unlocking the ability to publish things.
    This was merely a test to see how it functions.

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    • No random tests
    • Duplicate of lots of existing katas