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    Well sorry, you might be right. But the getters/setters might be misleading for beginners who don't know how they are usually done in C# :)

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    In C#, the test is Assert.AreEqual(TimeFormat.GetReadableTime(359999),"99:59:59") (which matches the maximum value mentioned in the description), but it fails with:

    String lengths are both 8. Strings differ at index 0.
    Expected: "03:59:59"
    But was: "99:59:59"

    Moreover, on submit it fails with

    Expected: "00:00:00"
    But was: "24:00:00"

    for input 86400. This is imho just not possible, for 86400 != 0. I think we got an issue here.

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    The instructions are unclear. I got caught in a ceiling fan.

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    To me, the kata seems to be perfectly fine (except that the Fibonacci Sequence does not start with 0).

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