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    Thank you for the answer, I believe I wrote it wrong on this forum, as soon as I have access to my pc I'll double check!
    I kinda hope that's the issue though haha!

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    Hello everyone, for some reason I cannot make a for loop work.
    Does anyone else has the same issue?

    I tried a simple loop as a test but the program clearly skips them;
    The solutions it gives me are totally empty, because I am adding "*" and " " inside nested for loops.
    The tests with 0, even numbers or negative numbers pass without problem.

    I wrote:

    for (int i = 0; i > 5; i++){System.out.println("BEANS!");}

    but no BEANS!BEANS!BEANS!BEANS!BEANS!BEANS! in the log :/

    Edit: this happened to me on other katas, but I just used a for each loop and no problems.
    I even tried a while loop and printed something, that works just fine...

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    I am using an enhanced for loop, so I don't understand how it is adding a 0 to my array, considering that in all the tests there are no zeros...

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    hi everyone, I need a little help...
    I cannot figure out this error message:

    arrays first differed at element [1]; expected:<1> but was:<0>

    Does that mean that the element that was supposed to be at index 1 is actually at index 0 in my answer or does that mean that my answer contained the right int at index 0 but the same int at index 1?

    Thanks in advance!

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    oh ok, thank you very much! i totally forgot about it...

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    Hi everyone, I've been on this kata for a while now but I cannot figure out why i cannot pass the test 3.
    It gives me back this message:

    Expected: equal to [ cod, code, ewar, wars ]
    Actual: [ cod, code, wars, ewar ]

    Is it possible to know the two vectors that are being compared?
    That may help me figure out what's wrong...

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    I know this doesn't sound good, but I am terrible at math.
    My solution was probably the most elaborated thing anyone has ever done in the history of programming.