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    Returning 0 but expected NaN in C#. There is no NaN for integers, only for floats.
    If you expect a float to be returned, then why are the results being truncated anyways?

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    Sum all fibonnaci numbers less than the argument that are even

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    Had so much trouble until I realized that cases have overflowing arithmetic with 32-bit integers

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    Try it with SIMD

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    TryGetValue is better suited for accessing with a key undetermined to be in a dictionary

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    It's a good thing I wrote "Fortunately, seemingly all value types provided by .NET implement their own .Equals method to avoid boxing. So do record structs"

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    The ValueType class that all structs implicitly inherit don't have a generic implementation so only the object base class' .Equals method is implemented, meaning you'll have to go through expensive boxing for a simple comparison. This can even involve reflection

    See here

    Fortunately, seemingly all value types provided by .NET implement their own .Equals method to avoid boxing. So do record structs

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    I'm surprised there aren't more BitOperations solutions. There are more big integer solutions than this that do the same thing

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    You could say the same about any language

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    Not enough information and available information scattered everywhere. You say the first few robots will have an updated state and transition_rule will be used to update the states of all robots. The rest is left to assumption from the description. Confirming a state for the previous robot and returning that clearly isn't enough and there's nothing else to gather from the description. Find a finite set of states and transition rules? We're only given 3 optional states, immutable in Rust.

    What I'm taking away from 80% of the description with the other 20% left up in the air is that this function is called over a collection of robots and the return value is what the target robot's new state is, with all robots being the correct state expected

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    TimeSpan also has a FromHours function so you don't have to multiply the distance by 3600

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    Because brute force O(n^2) is better practice than a hashed O(n) solution

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