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    Yes, I tried further, the JS random tests sometimes generate inputs like:
    ([3, 3], "1,3 2")
    where N == M, and expect null, even though nothing seems to contradict the specifications here: there are N unique numbers between 1 and M, separated by spaces and/or a comma

    After a couple attempts I managed to submit, this is likely a kata issue

  • Custom User Avatar

    was this test a random one ?

    given [n, m]

    n the expected length

    m the maximum value

    to me the string is valid

  • Custom User Avatar


    [7,7], "2   5 6  1, 7 , 3 4" -> null
    Expected: null, instead got: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    what makes the string invalid here ?

  • Custom User Avatar

    Who can describe me what with that sequence is not OK? -(-_-)
    Test Failed
    Expected: null
    But was: < 4, 5, 10, 32, 35, 42 >