
rewritten in python

I am to lazy to write tests

  • def is_unique(text: str) -> bool:
        return len({*text}) == len(text)
    • function isUnique(string) {
    • let knownChars = "";
    • for (let char of string) {
    • if (!knownChars.includes(char)) {
    • knownChars += char;
    • } else {
    • return false;
    • }
    • }
    • return true;
    • }
    • def is_unique(text: str) -> bool:
    • return len({*text}) == len(text)

in one line

  • def repair(cur: list, pre: list):cur[[i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)] = pre[[pre.index(i) for i in pre if [(o, i) for o, i in enumerate([*i]) if (o, i) in list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != '', enumerate(map(lambda x: x if x != "?" else "", [*cur[[i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)]]))))] == list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != '', enumerate(map(lambda x: x if x != "?" else "", [*cur[[i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)]])))) and len(i) == len(cur[[i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)])][0]];return cur
    • def repair(cur: list, pre: list):
    • broken_index = [i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)
    • known_part = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != '', enumerate(map(lambda x: x if x != "?" else "", [*cur[broken_index]]))))
    • matching_pre_index = [pre.index(i) for i in pre if [(o, i) for o, i in enumerate([*i]) if (o, i) in known_part] == known_part and len(i) == len(cur[broken_index])][0]
    • cur[broken_index] = pre[matching_pre_index]
    • return cur
    • def repair(cur: list, pre: list):cur[[i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)] = pre[[pre.index(i) for i in pre if [(o, i) for o, i in enumerate([*i]) if (o, i) in list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != '', enumerate(map(lambda x: x if x != "?" else "", [*cur[[i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)]]))))] == list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != '', enumerate(map(lambda x: x if x != "?" else "", [*cur[[i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)]])))) and len(i) == len(cur[[i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)])][0]];return cur

repairs your list cur (current) with the knowledge from the list pre (previous).

print(repair(['line 1', '???? 2', 'line 3'], ['line 1', 'line 2']))
# ['line 1', 'line 2', 'line 3']

i didn't really understand the description, but i think this is a better solution.

how it works

  • it finds which index in the list cur is broken
  • it finds the part of the broken part that is not broken
  • it finds which index of the list pre is matching the known part with the broken part
  • replaces and returns the broken part with the fixed part from the list pre
  • def repair(cur: list, pre: list):
        broken_index = [i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)
        known_part = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != '', enumerate(map(lambda x: x if x != "?" else "", [*cur[broken_index]]))))
        matching_pre_index = [pre.index(i) for i in pre if [(o, i) for o, i in enumerate([*i]) if (o, i) in known_part] == known_part and len(i) == len(cur[broken_index])][0]
        cur[broken_index] = pre[matching_pre_index]
        return cur
    • # This solution not vork correctly. Try improvement this code.
    • CONST_UNDEFINED = -999999 # or None
    • CONST_MAX_VALUE = 999999
    • class RepairEngine:
    • searchWindow1 = 70 # when diff < DIFF_TRESHOLD
    • searchWindow2 = 14 # when diff < 3
    • DIFF_TRESHOLD_1=68
    • def __str__(self):
    • return f"RepairEngine(searchWindow1={str(self.searchWindow1)}, searchWindow2={str(self.searchWindow2)}, DIFF_TRESHOLD_1={str(self.DIFF_TRESHOLD_1)})"
    • def indexing(self, historySeq):
    • if len(historySeq)<2 : raise BaseException("History sequence should have 2 or more files. historySeq="+str(historySeq))
    • for text in historySeq: #markBrokenLines
    • for l in text:
    • l['hasBroken'] = self.checkBrokenLine(l['line'])
    • for i in range(1,len(historySeq)):
    • self.linkFiles(historySeq[i-1], historySeq[i])
    • #end of indexing
    • def linkFiles(self, lines1, lines2):
    • p2=0
    • seqenceLost=0
    • for i in range(0, len(lines1)):
    • #print(f"Progress {str(i+1)}/{len(lines1)} history items")
    • myLine=lines1[i]
    • p,thisK =self.searchLine(myLine['line'], lines2, p2, i);
    • #print('p=',p,' thisK=',thisK,' i=',i,' text:', myLine['line'])
    • if ((p!=CONST_UNDEFINED) and (p>=0)):
    • if (p2!=p):
    • #print(" new offset {str(i)} > {str(p)}")
    • p2=p
    • myLine['nextPos']=p
    • applyPatch = True
    • if (lines2[p]['prePos']!=CONST_UNDEFINED) and (lines2[p]['prePos']!=i):
    • if lines2[p]['preK'] > thisK:
    • None
    • elif (lines2[p]['preK'] < thisK):
    • applyPatch = False
    • else:
    • None
    • if applyPatch:
    • lines2[p]['prePos'] = i
    • lines2[p]['preK'] = thisK
    • if i != myLine['pos']:
    • print(f"WARN: i={str(i)} and pos={str(myLine['pos'])} not match! At line \"{str(myLine['line'])}\"");
    • if seqenceLost>self.searchWindow1*3:
    • print(f"i={str(i)}, found p={str(p)} after lost search window");
    • seqenceLost=0
    • else:
    • #print("i={str(i)} pos={str(p)} not found position")
    • seqenceLost +=1
    • if seqenceLost==self.searchWindow1*3:
    • print(f"i={str(i)}, p={str(p)} lost search window, next position search may be not correct");
    • p2 +=1
    • # end of linkFiles
    • # TODO hard method. Need more unit test!
    • def searchLine(self, text, inLines, nearPos1:int, nearPos2:int):
    • result=CONST_UNDEFINED
    • resultD=CONST_MAX_VALUE
    • for fromPos in [nearPos1,nearPos2] :
    • if (fromPos==CONST_UNDEFINED): continue
    • if (result!=CONST_UNDEFINED and nearPos1==nearPos2): break
    • for d in range(0,self.searchWindow1):
    • # todo mark previous interval and do not check against lines.
    • p=fromPos+d
    • if (0<= p) and (p <len(inLines)):
    • k = self.stringDiff(text, inLines[p]['line']);
    • if (k<=self.DIFF_TRESHOLD_1*3):
    • k+=min(20,d/40)
    • k+=min(16,min(abs(p-nearPos1),abs(p-nearPos2))/50)
    • #print('k=',k,' resultD=',resultD,'; t1="',text,'" t2="',inLines[p]['line'],'" ')
    • if (resultD>k):
    • result, resultD = p, k
    • if (d!=0):
    • p=fromPos-d
    • if (0<= p) and (p <len(inLines)):
    • k = self.stringDiff(text, inLines[p]['line'])
    • if (k<=self.DIFF_TRESHOLD_1*3):
    • k+=min(20,d/40)
    • k+=min(16,min(abs(p-nearPos1),abs(p-nearPos2))/50)
    • if resultD>k :
    • result, resultD = p, k
    • if (resultD==0 or resultD<self.DIFF_TRESHOLD_2 and d>3 and d < self.searchWindow2):
    • break # stop search - it is best.
    • if (resultD>self.DIFF_TRESHOLD_1):
    • return -1, None # not found
    • return result, resultD
    • # end of searchLine
    • not_allowed="?*"
    • def checkBrokenLine(self, line):
    • wrongChar=0
    • questionChar=0
    • for c in line:
    • if c in self.not_allowed: wrongChar+=1
    • #if not c in self.allowed: wrongChar+=1
    • if c=='?':
    • questionChar+=1
    • #if c in self.not_allowed: wrongChar-=1
    • return wrongChar>0 or (len(line)>5 and questionChar>5)
    • # end of checkBrokenLine
    • # Soft comparsion of 2 string
    • # return 0 - equals, 2 equals ignore case and whitespace, 15 high diff but maybe same, Integer.MAX_VALUE absolutly different
    • def stringDiff(self, l1, l2):
    • if (l1==l2):
    • #print('compare ',l1,l2," EQ=0")
    • return 0
    • if (l1.lower()==l2.lower()):
    • #print('compare ',l1,l2," EQ=1")
    • return 1
    • l1=l1.replace(" ", " ").strip()
    • l2=l2.replace(" ", " ").strip()
    • #todo optimization: l1,l2 = l1.upper(),l2.upper()
    • l1,l2=l1.upper(),l2.upper()
    • if (len(l1)==len(l2)):
    • eq=True
    • for i in range(len(l1)):
    • eq=eq and (l1[i]==l2[i]) or (l1[i] in self.not_allowed) or (l1[i] in self.not_allowed)
    • if eq:
    • #print('compare ',l1,l2," EQ=1,2")
    • return 1
    • #Damerau–Levenshtein distance / Расстояние Дамерау — Левенштейна ( Creative commons CC-BY-SA )
    • def damerau_levenshtein_distance(s1, s2):
    • d = {}
    • lenstr1 = len(s1)
    • lenstr2 = len(s2)
    • for i in range(-1,lenstr1+1):
    • d[(i,-1)] = i+1
    • for j in range(-1,lenstr2+1):
    • d[(-1,j)] = j+1
    • for i in range(lenstr1):
    • for j in range(lenstr2):
    • if s1[i] == s2[j]:
    • cost = 0
    • elif (s1[i] in self.not_allowed) or (s2[j] in self.not_allowed): # modification weight
    • cost = 0
    • else:
    • cost = 3
    • d[(i,j)] = min(
    • d[(i-1,j)] + 1, # deletion
    • d[(i,j-1)] + 1, # insertion
    • d[(i-1,j-1)] + cost, # substitution
    • )
    • if i and j and s1[i] == s2[j-1] and s1[i-1] == s2[j]:
    • d[(i,j)] = min(d[(i,j)], d[i-2,j-2] + 1) # transposition
    • return d[lenstr1-1,lenstr2-1]
    • xDiff=abs(len(l1)-len(l2)) + damerau_levenshtein_distance(l1,l2)
    • if (len(l1)<3 or len(l2)<3 or abs(len(l1)-len(l2))>30):
    • #print('compare ',l1,l2," EQ=",CONST_MAX_VALUE)
    • return CONST_MAX_VALUE
    • xDiff = xDiff *300 / len(l1)
    • if (xDiff>CONST_MAX_VALUE-1000):
    • #print('compare ',l1,l2," EQ=",CONST_MAX_VALUE-100)
    • return CONST_MAX_VALUE-100
    • #print('compare ',l1,l2," EQ=",xDiff)
    • return round(xDiff)
    • # end of stringDiff
    • def repair(self, historySeq, itm:int=-1):
    • if (itm==0): raise BaseException("Can not repair first item[0] from future!")
    • if (itm<0): itm=len(historySeq)-1
    • #log.debug("Start repair history[{}] \"{}\"", itm, historySeq.get(itm).name);
    • lines=historySeq[itm]
    • out=[]
    • statRepair, statHistoryUsedDepth, statHistoryWatchDepth, statNotFound = 0,0,0,0
    • print(" repair lines:"+str(len(lines)))
    • for line in lines:
    • print(" repair line>"+repr(line)+" pos="+str(line['pos'])+" test="+str(line))
    • if (line['hasBroken']):
    • oldP=line['prePos']
    • depth=0
    • i=itm-1
    • while (oldP!=CONST_UNDEFINED and i>=0):
    • depth+=1
    • statHistoryWatchDepth=max(statHistoryWatchDepth, depth)
    • oldL=historySeq[i][oldP]
    • if (not oldL['hasBroken']):
    • print(" repair line<use old source")
    • out.append(oldL['line'])
    • #log.trace(" [{}][{}] line {}({})> repair from \"{}\" to \"{}\"",
    • # itm, i, line.pos, oldP, line.line, oldL.line);
    • statRepair+=1
    • statHistoryUsedDepth=max(statHistoryUsedDepth, depth)
    • break
    • #else:
    • # log.trace(" [{}][{}] line {}({})> go deep", itm, i, line.pos, oldP);
    • oldP=oldL['prePos']
    • i-=1
    • if (oldP==CONST_UNDEFINED) :
    • print(" repair line<not found. ", line['line'])
    • out.append(line['line']) #no modify
    • statNotFound+=1
    • else:
    • print(" repair line<no need")
    • out.append(line['line'])
    • print(f"Repair complete: repair {statRepair} lines, max history depth = {statHistoryUsedDepth}, max history watch depth = {statHistoryWatchDepth}, not found {statNotFound} lines.")
    • print(" repair out lines:"+str(len(out)))
    • return out
    • # end of repair
    • def process(self, historySeq, i_to_repair:int=-1):
    • hSeq=[]
    • for histText in historySeq:
    • lines=[]
    • i=0
    • for l in histText:
    • tl={'pos':i, 'line':l, 'hasBroken':False,
    • 'prePos':CONST_UNDEFINED, 'preK':-1.0, 'nextPos':CONST_UNDEFINED}
    • lines.append(tl)
    • i+=1
    • hSeq.append(lines)
    • print("indexing...")
    • idx=self.indexing(hSeq)
    • print("pepair n="+str(i_to_repair))
    •, i_to_repair)
    • print("done")
    • return repair
    • def repair_text_by_history(history_of_text):
    • repairer=RepairEngine()
    • text=repairer.process(history_of_text, len(history_of_text)-1)
    • return text
    • def repair(cur: list, pre: list):
    • broken_index = [i.count("?") > 0 for i in cur].index(True)
    • known_part = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != '', enumerate(map(lambda x: x if x != "?" else "", [*cur[broken_index]]))))
    • matching_pre_index = [pre.index(i) for i in pre if [(o, i) for o, i in enumerate([*i]) if (o, i) in known_part] == known_part and len(i) == len(cur[broken_index])][0]
    • cur[broken_index] = pre[matching_pre_index]
    • return cur

nevermind, i figured out how to do random tests

rewritten in the best programming language, Python
please add random tests, i am to dumb to build them.

  • str_opt = lambda s:s if len(s) == 1 else None if len({s.count(i) for i in {*s}}) <= 1 else sorted([*s], key=lambda x: s.count(x))[0]
    • const firstNonRepeatingCharacter = (str) => {
    • let chars = [], counts = [];
    • for(const char of str) {
    • let index = chars.indexOf(char);
    • if(index < 0) {
    • index = counts.length;
    • chars.push(char);
    • counts.push(0);
    • }
    • counts[index]++;
    • }
    • for(let index = 0; index < chars.length; index++) {
    • if(counts[index] === 1) {
    • return chars[index];
    • }
    • }
    • return null;
    • };
    • str_opt = lambda s:s if len(s) == 1 else None if len({s.count(i) for i in {*s}}) <= 1 else sorted([*s], key=lambda x: s.count(x))[0]

randomized tests, decreased the amount of tests

a harder, completly unreadable more stupid solution, but it is in Python and it works and thats all that matters

  • maxnum = lambda n: int(n) if len(str(n)) == 1 else int(n) if len({*str(n)}) == 1 else int(n) if len(str(n)) < str(n).count("0")*2 else n if n < 100 and n % 10 == 0 else int(sorted([i for i in range(int("".join(sorted([*str(n)])[::-1])) + 1) if sorted([*str(i)]) == sorted([*str(n)])])[::-1][1]) if sorted([i for i in range(int("".join(sorted([*str(n)])[::-1])) + 1) if sorted([*str(i)]) == sorted([*str(n)])])[::-1][0] == n else int(sorted([i for i in range(int("".join(sorted([*str(n)])[::-1])) + 1) if sorted([*str(i)]) == sorted([*str(n)])])[::-1][0])
    • import java.util.Arrays;
    • import java.util.Scanner;
    • public class MaxNumber {
    • public static long print(long number) {
    • String numeroString = Long.toString(number);
    • char[] digitos = numeroString.toCharArray();
    • Arrays.sort(digitos);
    • StringBuilder numeroOrdenadoStr = new StringBuilder(new String(digitos));
    • numeroOrdenadoStr.reverse();
    • return Long.parseLong(numeroOrdenadoStr.toString());
    • }
    • public static void main(String[] args) {
    • Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
    • System.out.print("Ingrese un numero: ");
    • long number = scanner.nextLong();
    • long maxNumber = print(number);
    • System.out.println("El número más alto que se puede formar con estos dígitos es: " + maxNumber);
    • }
    • }
    • maxnum = lambda n: int(n) if len(str(n)) == 1 else int(n) if len({*str(n)}) == 1 else int(n) if len(str(n)) < str(n).count("0")*2 else n if n < 100 and n % 10 == 0 else int(sorted([i for i in range(int("".join(sorted([*str(n)])[::-1])) + 1) if sorted([*str(i)]) == sorted([*str(n)])])[::-1][1]) if sorted([i for i in range(int("".join(sorted([*str(n)])[::-1])) + 1) if sorted([*str(i)]) == sorted([*str(n)])])[::-1][0] == n else int(sorted([i for i in range(int("".join(sorted([*str(n)])[::-1])) + 1) if sorted([*str(i)]) == sorted([*str(n)])])[::-1][0])
  • added types
  • added tests
  • mylist = [("yellow", 1), ("blue", 2), ("yellow", 3), ("blue", 4), ("red", 1)]
    def group(lst: list[tuple[str, int], ...], result: dict[str, int]={}) -> dict[str, list[int, ...]]:
        {result[c].append(n) if c in result else result.update({c: [n]}) for c, n in lst}
        return result
    # print(group(mylist))
    • mylist = [("yellow", 1), ("blue", 2), ("yellow", 3), ("blue", 4), ("red", 1)]
    • def group(lst, result={}):
    • def group(lst: list[tuple[str, int], ...], result: dict[str, int]={}) -> dict[str, list[int, ...]]:
    • {result[c].append(n) if c in result else result.update({c: [n]}) for c, n in lst}
    • return result
    • print(group(mylist))
    • # print(group(mylist))


  • added tests
  • added types
  • added docs


you have a function, average(), that gets a tuple (t) with tuples inside that have numbers. this code returns the average of all numbers from these tuples at index 0.

  • def average(t: tuple[tuple[int | float, ...], ...]) -> list[int | float]:
        return [sum(i) / len(i) for i in zip(*t)]
    • m_t = ((10, 10, 10, 12), (30, 45, 56, 45), (81, 80, 39, 32), (1, 2, 3, 4))
    • def average(t):
    • return [sum(i) / len(i) for i in zip(*t)]
    • print(f"\nAverage value: {average(m_t)}")
    • def average(t: tuple[tuple[int | float, ...], ...]) -> list[int | float]:
    • return [sum(i) / len(i) for i in zip(*t)]