i have changed the input structure but everyone that solved it before will have to solve it again i supose
should i revert to keep their honor points or keep the improvement for the kata is a better move?
the problem i noticed was in cases like "expected array(16) to equal array(16)"
the inside content of the array is not shown by the automatic failure message
so i added this like to show the content in such situation
thanks for the feedback, i have seen your solution that modifies the Math.random function to always give 0, i did a small fix to that
but if you have a better idea of what i should do, please inform me, thanks again
i have a feeling that if i use object of arrays the question becomes very simple and a repeat of most other questions
one of the main aims i wanted to add as a challenge in this kata is to check to ability of modifying an array partially (keeping the names but changing the numbers)
but i really appretiate your feedback, and i will modify the input structure if you think i must, tell me what do you think
This is issue is done, I suppose.
i have changed the input structure but everyone that solved it before will have to solve it again i supose
should i revert to keep their honor points or keep the improvement for the kata is a better move?
i followed all the three points you mentioned
thanks for guiding me
modified, thanks
i edited it
i hope i understood what you said as you intended
the problem i noticed was in cases like "expected array(16) to equal array(16)"
the inside content of the array is not shown by the automatic failure message
so i added this like to show the content in such situation
i understand, thank you
wow, thank you very much for this long reply
this has been great and informative
from reading I now understand that i should
thanks for the feedback, i have seen your solution that modifies the Math.random function to always give 0, i did a small fix to that
but if you have a better idea of what i should do, please inform me, thanks again
thanks for the feedback, 100 more random tests added
i have a feeling that if i use object of arrays the question becomes very simple and a repeat of most other questions
one of the main aims i wanted to add as a challenge in this kata is to check to ability of modifying an array partially (keeping the names but changing the numbers)
but i really appretiate your feedback, and i will modify the input structure if you think i must, tell me what do you think
thanks for the support, working on improving the kata, explainations added
thanks, switched to deepEqual and removed .join
string answers should not be accepted anymore
my apologies, i am new, but i will learn as quickly as i can
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