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    So I'm not sure what's going wrong, because in theory this code should work fine. Normally debugging isn't an issue, but as you can't actually check the weights of the bags for each test, it's proving hard to figure out what's going wrong. Any help or suggestions would be great.

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    It negates formatting because you forgot a newline before your code. Even better, use fenced code snippets, e.g.

    your code here

    That being said, this isn't an issue, but a question. You're aware that you return a string, while the kata expects an integer?

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    Same problem here with JS. Based on the ODD/EVEN requirments. I even noticed that there's a problem in the description itself.

    "WeIrD StRiNg CaSe"
    should be
    "WeIrD StRiNg cAsE"

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