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    I've got the right answer in my computer (Editor:Sublime Text 3),but with the same python code and parameters,the result were different between my computer and online results, and the result in my computer is the expected online answer

    Please forgive my poor English..
    BTW my python's version is 3.6

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    I passed 31 tests,and got an error..
    in escapeSOLVEIT
    IndexError: list index out of range
    I don't know what happened,I try to used "try...except..." to print the carpark which I can't pass,and I got nothing,didn't print the carpark.
    Could someone tell me what's the problem?

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    what dose this mean?
    I use python, 65passed and the only fail is 'codewars is not 2xcode'
    Do you mean 'Params' equals to ':'?

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    I also am drinked!