Ohh sorry I didn't even notice the further descriptions for the other languages.
I've add the further description for GO as closely matching the set convention as possible.
Let me know if I need to add or change anything else.
OK, I have rewitten to use a manual solution and prevented the import of the math/big package
Please review and approve if satifactory.
It's the same link as before GO Translation
Huh, that's unfortunate. I happened to translate from the one bad language.
still, it would be a helpful mention in the description. would have saved me a lot of time.
I pulled my translation and I'll look into a way of restricting the math/big GO package for a rewrite.
Hey, thanks for the prompt responses guys. Much appreciated!
I just translated this Kata into GO and this is my first translation.
Do I need to do anything after hitting publish?
It doesn't seem to be showing up anywhere?
Any help is appreciated I want to start contributing to Golang regularly.
Ohh sorry I didn't even notice the further descriptions for the other languages.
I've add the further description for GO as closely matching the set convention as possible.
Let me know if I need to add or change anything else.
GO Translation Kumited, please review and approve. Thanks!
GO Translation Kumited, please review and approve, thanks!
OK, I have rewitten to use a manual solution and prevented the import of the math/big package
Please review and approve if satifactory.
It's the same link as before GO Translation
Ohh thank you! I've been trying to find that path so I could do that but I wasn't having any luck.
Huh, that's unfortunate. I happened to translate from the one bad language.
still, it would be a helpful mention in the description. would have saved me a lot of time.
I pulled my translation and I'll look into a way of restricting the math/big GO package for a rewrite.
Hey, thanks for the prompt responses guys. Much appreciated!
This should probably be in the description.
I translated from Java which doesn't have any such restrication.
I can't seem to duplicate the error, no matter how many times I run the tests.
did you do anything specific to get the error or just hit run?
Go Translation kumited, please review and approve
GO Translation kumited - please review and approve.
GO Translation kumited - Please review and approve
GO translation Kumited - please review and approve
GO Translation kumited- please review and approve
I just translated this Kata into GO and this is my first translation.
Do I need to do anything after hitting publish?
It doesn't seem to be showing up anywhere?
Any help is appreciated I want to start contributing to Golang regularly.
No matter what I return when n == 0 it fails me. even when it is an empty array (Ruby)