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    Re-raising the issue below:

    You completely missed the point. I only pointed bounce_count(0, 9.80, 9.81, math.radians(45)) as an example; your code still returns incorrect result for bounce_count(0.1, 9.81, 9.81, math.radians(45)), or similar cases.

    Also your formula doesn't even pass the sanity test: your formula would imply bounce_count(h, w, v, theta) == bounce_count(h, w, v, -theta), but intuition already tells us that shooting upwards with a high velocity will always land farther than shooting downwards at the same angle. So this cannot be correct.

    (FFS, if you don't even bother checking your maths writing a kata that asks for a well-known formula, and clearly don't even understand the formula before writing a kata about it, then why should we test your kata...)

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    Hi, first of all nice idea.

    However there are some aspects that must be addressed by you!

    1. Kata description is not very comprehensive. See quotes below:

    you must reverse parts of an array at a given increment

    • You should elaborate on what an "increment" is (more than just have the user read and understand the test cases himself) or choose a different word for it

    The increment can also be any number but will always be less than the array length

    • What about the lower bound on that number: Can it be zero? Can it be negative? How would the latter maybe change the kata?

    If there are extra bits of the array which is smaller than the increment, these still get reversed

    • Do not say "bits" unless you are really talking about 0s and 1s. Alternative wording: integers, entries, tail, ...
    • Also grammatical error in "which ARE smaller [in length]"

    Uses old python testing framework

    • Does it? And if so, why not use the new framework and why is it important for the user to know this?
    1. Wording is not uniform and therefore very confusing: Title Array Mirroring vs. Function Name alter_image vs. Test Description Mirror Shift and more ...

    2. As per you must not publish your reference solution in the Attempt test cases, but rather avoid that or at least move it to the local scope of a test function. For more details about this topic, review the documentation linked above.

    3. Reversal of Iterables in Python has been addressed by many katas so far, whether for string, integers, lists of integers or lists of strings. Although you avoid to use the word "reverse" as much as possible in the kata description, I encourage you to strongly confirm that your kata is not a duplicate (for instance among[]=-8&r[]=-7) and that your kata actually produces a contributiong / added-value.

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    The user can modify the input.

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    Sample tests are missing testing-related imports and are using the old test framework.