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    Passing all of the tests, but timing out on the submission. Does this require submitting during a lower-traffic time?

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    What's the memory error?

    in reduce
    7 Passed
    0 Failed
    0 Errors
    Process took 2113ms to complete

  • Custom User Avatar

    I believe this may be the result of a problem with the codewars servers. I submitted a bug report at:

    I encourage you to do the same. I solved this problem using the Euclidean algorithm and it worked fine in Python then I converted it to Javascript and Ruby and in both languages the tests passed but timeout on submission. I also have ran into this behavior on numerous Kata since the Codewars migration a week ago. I have many correct solutions that will not submit do to timeouts.

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    Cant submit
    Unknown error
    Process took 4899ms to complete

    Meanwhile first tests are passing well