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    So simple ... thanks you !

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    There's a gem pair that precedes the 0G RRA gem move: BB LL

    This pair pushes the 2nd column above the top line, thereby terminating the game.

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    I don't understand the rule for this (9th of the Fixed test)

    32 th move

       ___ __
     0|      |
     1| Y    |
     2| RR   |
     3| RY   |
     4| BB   |
     5| BB   |
     6| rY y |
     7| GB BG|
    11|YY GGG|
    -Move 33 =>  0G RRA
       ___ __
     0|      |
     1| Y    |
     2| RR   |
     3| RY   |
     4| BB   |
     5| BB   |
     6| rY y |
     7| GB BG|
    11|YY GGG|

    The expected result is like if the move 33 was canceled.
    But i not understant why (which rules applied here ?)

    "If at any point in the game a stack of Gems goes above the top row, terminate the process and return the game state before the last move. This applies to Crash Gems and Rainbow Gems as well; their position is taken into account before their effect."

    But the stack of Gems goes never above the top row