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    Yeah, even with explanations I'm not quite grasping what I'm supposed to get.

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    Javascript never fails to surprise. The good/bad news is there is more than one solution!

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    It's a JavaScript quirk, not necessarily something someone solving 8kyu katas (or those unfamiliar with JavaScript in general) would know about.

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    Okay. I reallly don't get this. Can someone explain?

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    There is already a github issue for Scala support, but there seems to be no updates on it since 2014 :(

    Although Scala is also a number one for me, I believe language support is an extremely hot topic, subject for a heated discussion if not all-out flamewars :)

    That's why some updates on:

    • what is the progress on particular languages' support
    • when can we expect new languages or at least what is the next language in line

    would be very highly appreciated :)

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    Thanks for the great skill-training resource!
    Tried a lot of similar ones and stopped on codewars. It's awesome.

    The only thing, I miss a lot is - Scala in Kata section.
    Do you plan to implement this? And if the answer is "Yes", can you tell me, how long do I need to wait? :D


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    Look at what you can do, not at how much time passed ;)

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    Thanks for that.

    I'm going to take a crack at it when i get home and shoot for an hour. As this is whill be the first time I am using porotype declaration stuff outside codeacademy that will slow me down a bit.

    Out of interest what kind of time ranges would you give this sort of thing for:

    Complete Novice:
    Beginner (couple of months):
    Intermediate ( up to 1 years):
    Seasoned user:

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    Consider it depends much on many factor, but being a beginner I think you could assess yourself among 30 to 60 mins for this one.

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    It would be good if there was a feature that recorded how long it took to complete a solution for each kata.

    At the moment I am really slow because I am still learning but I am slowly speeding up.

    It would be good if we had some measure of comparison for "professional standards".

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    I am new to programming and enjoy using these kata as practice for the concepts I am picking up.
    How long does it take people to solve this kata. I realise I will speed up as I am more familiar with the material. But I would like some idea of the benchmark I should be shooting for.
    I can't imagine in interview/ work scenario's i'd be given the amount of time it takes me.

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