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    Performancewise would be "better" to use a StringBuilder or StringBuffer (using the .append() method) as it is faster to reallocate memory for a growing object, than creating a new object in each loop iteration.

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    Yes, it is working. But it also mutates the inputArray, which might be unwanted and is considered bad practice. It would be better to keep the function pure and return a new array instead.

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    Thank you for the good explanation. But my question was, why exactly this above solution does not execute properly? If I run it against the tests of this Kata, I get the SIGSEGV. Did some compiler change here?

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    This solution gives me a SIGSEGV (11) error. Same as my original solution did.
    What is wrong?

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    What about these magic numbers 15 and 20?
    I am not an experienced C programmer, but I think it limits the input to a number with 15 digits? I think this should be implemented more generic to be "Best Practice". It is not a big deal to get the number of digits of an int.

    Am i wrong?