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    found my error, sorry

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    same here, passes all the sample tests but fails at random

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    No response, closing this issue.

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    Currently there are 161 accepted solution in C.
    If you still think that the C version is buggy, post your solution code surrounded by a line with just three backticks (```) and mark the comment as "having spoiler content".

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    Not an issue

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    It wouldnt compile on python, it's giving me the following error:

    "The server timed out waiting for the request to be processed. This may be due to high server load. Please try your request again."

    Apparently it's not something in my code but rather something to do with the "issue processing the web request".

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    I'm using C to solve this but for some reason it's failing the random tests, it passes all the sample tests but it fails the random tests.
    It returns the correct output, I know because I have a printf statement to double check but for some reason it's not receiving my return statements
    for the random test cases.

    found the needle at position 3
    Expected: found the needle at position 3 Received:

    The above line(2nd/middle line) is the printf statement and the last line is the test case, it appears for the random test case my return statements were not received, but
    for some reason it works fine for sample test cases.