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    There are so many top programmers without college education who do just fine without math.

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    You can't go very far away in coding without knowing maths at least at college level.

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    Use the function calls in the test cases!

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    I wonder if the existing solutions grouping algorithms could be repurposed for cheat detection. After finishing a kata, I often find that the top solution is part of a group. Now I don't know how clever the solutions grouping algorithm is, and certainly in simple katas people will inevitably come up with near-identical solutions. But in complex katas the likelihood of two people coming up with such identical solutions should be astronomically small, not to even mention larger groupings.

    The far more likely explanation is that people copy-paste existing solutions; either that, or a complete misestimation on my part about the workings of solutions grouping. In the former case, it would be trivial to send an automated alert to a moderator or the kata's sensei, who could then decide whether the similarities were coincidental. (For simpler katas such alert system could be disabled, as duplicates will arise naturally.)

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    No, it's not cheating in terms of CW rules. It can be frowned upon if you just copy and submit ready solution you found somewhere on the net, but as long as you only search for description of algorithm and implement it by yourself, it's pretty much OK.

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    I would find it impossible to solve the math algorithm based kata without googling the algorithm. This can't be cheating can it?

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    I can write the method as find(numbers,range) but of course I don't know how to make it object oriented so that the numbers are not fed into the method with its arguments but somehow magically arrive while the method itself only has the single range number in its arguments. Can anyone share with me how the numbers array arrives at the find(range) method? Is there some trick in the constructor method I don't know? I feel as though I've solved the programming problem but can't get it tested because I don't know how to turn the thing into a class. Javascript.

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    What did it for me was looking up an algorithm to do this. It exists. It's not something that just comes naturally to the mind of a non-mathlete. Oh and uh you don't need to sort anything. It looks like you are on the right track though.

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    I had to go to google for the answer to this one because I haven't studied math that much. <-(Hint)

    I don't think this one is really 6 kyu. It is harder for someone without math training.