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    That is the solution in essence, but it is hard to read, not to mention that debugging is almost impossible as is.
    Python is a very verbose and explicit language. We shouldn't neglect that in favor of shorter code, I think.

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    I legitimately thought people were writing in rot13, and was trying to translate in my head.

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    Hi, can someone give me a translation of the comments? I have the same problems (1 error, no comment). Even if I put a print in the code (and use the example to prove it works, I got nothing in the output window.
    P.S. Trying the kata in Python.

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    Hi. It's right. Georgian

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    georgian I guess (in a latin transliteration)

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    Hi, what language is this? I'm just curious. :) Thanks, suic

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    xoo magxela tua sheidzleba arc aqvs azri :D magram chvenebit unda gachvenos wesit. romel versiasac ar unda iyenebde print(ints,s)-ma unda gachvenos.mashin mogiwevs shecdomis povna :D

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    kai daikide gmadlob!
    sxva rames gavaketeb :D

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    mainc ar machvena...
    arafers ar wers qvemot.
    tan romc daweros 10milion elementiani siaa.... :D

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    print(ints,s) daumate funqcias da ro naxav damalul testebs gasworeb

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Qartveli xar? shegidzlia input- achvenebino da mixvdebi sad gaqvs shecdoma.

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    Whenever i press submit i get outcome like this:
    Time: 1376ms Passed: 0 Failed: 0 Errors: 1

    But i do not know wat the error is...
    there is no comment besides the fact that there is an error
    what can i do?

    however for regular tests code works fine.

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    I think the code complexity is what's important here.
    Even though it's not written in the most beatiful way, complexity is very low.

    However shadowing the built-in fucntion? definitely not the best practise.

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    Just not worded very well...


    Write a function that will take one argument, a string, as a word or sentence. The function should return the original string except reverse any word that has five or more letters. Strings passed in will consist of only letters and spaces. Spaces will be included in the result only when more than one word is present.

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