  • let [min, max] = [;2]; let minmax = iter.fold((min, max), |(min, max), num| (num.min(min), num.max(max))); Some(minmax)}
    • fn find_largest_and_smallest(nums: &[i32]) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
    • let mut iter = nums.iter().copied();
    • let [min, max] = [;2];
    • let minmax = iter.fold((min, max), |(min, max), num| (num.min(min), num.max(max)));
    • Some(minmax)
    • }
    • let [min, max] = [;2]; let minmax = iter.fold((min, max), |(min, max), num| (num.min(min), num.max(max))); Some(minmax)}
import codewars_test as test
# TODO Write tests
import solution # or from solution import example

# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
def test_group():"test case")
    def test_case():
        test.assert_equals(1 + 1, 2)
import codewars_test as test
# TODO Write tests
import solution # or from solution import example

# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
def test_group():"test case")
    def test_case():
        test.assert_equals(1 + 1, 2)
import codewars_test as test
# TODO Write tests
import solution # or from solution import example

# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
def test_group():"test case")
    def test_case():
        test.assert_equals(1 + 1, 2)
import codewars_test as test
# TODO Write tests
import solution # or from solution import example

# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
def test_group():"test case")
    def test_case():
        test.assert_equals(1 + 1, 2)
// Since Node 10, we're using Mocha.
// You can use `chai` for assertions.
const chai = require("chai");
const assert = chai.assert;
// Uncomment the following line to disable truncating failure messages for deep equals, do:
// chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;
// Since Node 12, we no longer include assertions from our deprecated custom test framework by default.
// Uncomment the following to use the old assertions:
// const Test = require("@codewars/test-compat");

describe("Solution", function() {
  it("should test for something", function() {
    // Test.assertEquals(1 + 1, 2);
    // assert.strictEqual(1 + 1, 2);
import codewars_test as test
# TODO Write tests
import solution # or from solution import example

# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
def test_group():"test case")
    def test_case():
        test.assert_equals(1 + 1, 2)
import codewars_test as test
# TODO Write tests
import solution # or from solution import example

# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
def test_group():"test case")
    def test_case():
        test.assert_equals(1 + 1, 2)
import codewars_test as test
# TODO Write tests
import solution # or from solution import example

# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
def test_group():"test case")
    def test_case():
        test.assert_equals(1 + 1, 2)
// Since Node 10, we're using Mocha.
// You can use `chai` for assertions.
const chai = require("chai");
const assert = chai.assert;
// Uncomment the following line to disable truncating failure messages for deep equals, do:
// chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;
// Since Node 12, we no longer include assertions from our deprecated custom test framework by default.
// Uncomment the following to use the old assertions:
// const Test = require("@codewars/test-compat");

describe("Solution", function() {
  it("should test for something", function() {
    // Test.assertEquals(1 + 1, 2);
    // assert.strictEqual(1 + 1, 2);
import codewars_test as test
# TODO Write tests
import solution # or from solution import example

# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
def test_group():"test case")
    def test_case()
        test.assert_equals(1 + 1, 2)