is it be working if someone put utf8 character? I know this is not a part of this task, just want to know, that you have to extend this pattern in this case to make it working?
The asterisk means it matches 0 or more occurances of that regex.
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Looks good, thanks for making the translation.
This is my first Kata Translation. Please have a look and add comments if something needs adding.
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is it be working if someone put utf8 character? I know this is not a part of this task, just want to know, that you have to extend this pattern in this case to make it working?
The asterisk means it matches 0 or more occurances of that regex.
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Please check and approve if OK. Thanks
You are welcome
Looks good, thanks for making the translation.
This is my first Kata Translation. Please have a look and add comments if something needs adding.