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    None of the tests check for actually using Miller Rabin for testing and not just an actual primality test, since no false positive cases are tested.

    And in any case, primality test is a duplicate of many existing katas.

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    Please add random tests.

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    thanks for feedback, resolved

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    The kata should follow naming conventions in Python and name the function my_solution() instead of mySolution().

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    I had the same problem in Chrome on Mac, but only if dev tools was open. Closing dev tools rendered everything properly.

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    This is an issue in Javascript now? That's incredibly frustrating. All of the other encoding issues with this kata have been limited to the Python translation. I'll look into it as soon as I have the time available to do so.

    Meanwhile, maybe if I mention jhoffner it might help?

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    I am having this issue as well and cannot complete the kata because of it. All I see are the カタカナ characters and I have tried 4 different browsers and checked that the character encoding is set to UTF-8 on all of them, but no luck. Any update on a way around this? I am using JavaScript.

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    It actually appears that Codewars has modified its test library for Python 2.x to work with ASCII encoding exclusively, which is what I'm guessing is causing these problems. I had actually built a new version of the test cases, one that would invalidate all of the solutions but use unicode strings, but they hit a snag when being passed into the Codewars test fixture. I'm thinking I'll just remove the Python 2.x version of this kata and port it all over to Python 3.x. In the meantime, even if you can't see the output properly, the byte-ordering is what you should be looking at. You can also test in a Python interpreter with Codewars acting funny.

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    I'm having this same problem, the browser is already set to UTF-8 but the Katakana alphabet doesn't appear

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    Thanks for the answer. I checked my browser's setting, but it's already set to UTF-8.
    Would you say it's likely not something wrong with my code cause when I console.log out the input message, it's all messed up?

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    I am going to guess that you have your web browser configured to use the Latin-1, Western, or some similar character-encoding rather than UTF-8.

    In Firefox, you can configure this by selecting the following from the view menu (if it's hidden you can press the alt key to reveal it, at least in Windows) View > Text Encoding > Unicode.

    In Internet Explorer, you can configure this by selecting the following from the view menu (if it's hidden you can press the alt key to reveal it, at least in Windows) View > Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8)

    In Chrome, you can configure this by going to the main menu and selecting More Tools > Encoding > Unicode

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    Can someone please help me with the Katakana cases?

    All my other cases are fine.

    The Katakana case shows up like this, and I have no clue what's going on cause of the wierd alphabets. I'm almost hypothesizing it's something to do with me not having the font on my computer.


    Expected: タモタワ, instead got: タコタア

    decode (タモタワ)

    Expected: カタカナ, instead got: カタカア

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    I had to just manually make the program produce [] when the input is a string or a non-integer....