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    I asked ChatGPT that same question:

    No, this does not appear to be a ChatGPT answer. This looks like a C++ code snippet that defines a function called `bool_to_word`. Here's why it's unlikely to be a ChatGPT response:
    1. Code format: ChatGPT typically provides more context and explanation around code snippets, often including comments about how to use the function or explaining its purpose.
    2. Simplicity: This function is very basic and straightforward. ChatGPT often provides more comprehensive or optimized solutions.
    3. Syntax errors: There's a typo in the comment ("funtion" instead of "function"), which is less common in ChatGPT-generated code.
    4. Styling: The code style is inconsistent (e.g., some lines have spaces after parentheses, others don't), which is atypical for ChatGPT-generated code.
    5. Namespace usage: The `using namespace std;` at the beginning is generally not recommended practice, and ChatGPT often avoids this or explains why it's not ideal.
    This code snippet looks more like something a beginner programmer might write while learning C++. It's functional, but not optimized or following best practices that an AI like ChatGPT would typically suggest.
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    man i love short solutions . GJ

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    i like this one. It's clever solution.