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    But that's not what the reference solution tests.

    if (abs($gamma) <= 1e-5)

    tests if acceleration is significantly different from zero, but allows negative acceleration above a certain threshold.

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    I should add in the description that accelaration is supposed to be positive.

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    if his total acceleration is <= 1e-5 we set acceleration to 0

    This implies that a negative acceleration is ALSO set to 0.

    But the reference solution checks:

    if (abs($gamma) <= 1e-5)

    Which is a significantly different thing.

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    Whoever called words with subsequent characters on the same key 'good' obviously never typed on one of these.

    Typing a second character on the same key as the last meant you had to wait for the first character to time-out before you could continue typing...

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    It's worth noting that this part of the description:

    The only condition where implementing multiple different interfaces is mutually exclusive is if the two (or more) interfaces in question share a public method with the exact same name. In that particular case, if you implement both such interfaces at once, you will receive a Fatal error (since the "Diamond Problem" would arise which would create a conflict).

    is not (or no longer) correct. As long as both methods follow signature compatibility rules, a class can implement two interfaces describing methods with the same name.

    So the two interfaces in the exercise that overlap are actually compatible, as the methods are identical.

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    Issue with the PHP tests:

    These incorrectly replace multiple consecutive input or output characters (, & .) with just a single putchar / getchar call.

    This is incorrect, as while reading multiple bytes from input would only store the last, it would still consume multiple bytes.

    Same goes for the output: the written character would be the same each time, but it would still be written twice.

    (The interpreter in the tests would print Helo, World!, with just a single 'l', for example).

    I could get my solution to pass by implementing the same error, but that is obviously not right.

    Edit: Just noticed hotdonkey already reported this 9 months ago...

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    In the PHP version, the random tests will occasionally pop up an empty string instead of a number, combined with an error:

    Undefined array key ""

    Stacktrace that is supplied with the code goes to the tests, not to the kata-code:


    My code handles empty strings as zero, but the tests still fail, as an exception is thrown.

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    The tests for the PHP version use single quotes (') to enclose the 99-bottles string, but do use '\n' in an attempt to render newlines.
    However, \n is only parsed in double-quoted strings, so the song is returned as one big string containing literal \n throughout.

    This obviously causes valid solutions to fail, and forces you to mimic the incorrect syntax.

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    It looks like the tests for this Kata have expected and actual results reversed.

    So if the function returns X when it should be Y, the test says 'expected collection contained X' and 'actual collection contained Y'

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