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    I think it would be better to change the description because:

    -If we look at other katas, we see that when it's a "SELECT" statement, it is usually written explicitly or left empty (e.g., 6 kyu - SQL Basics: Simple JOIN and RANK).

    -If it's a "FUNCTION" statement, it is typically described clearly (e.g., 5 kyu - Count Weekdays).

    Thank you for your quick response! I honestly didn’t expect such a fast reply. 🙂

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    thanks, Madjosz

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    There is actually a question at the end. Your code does not account for the "case-insensitive" part.

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    Just checked and this is written in the initial setup:

    -- # write your SQL statement here: you are given a table 'ispalindrome' with column 'str', return a table with column 'str' and your result in a column named 'res'.

    Do you think this should be made more clear?

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    The description is shared across all languages. SQL setup is mostly like this that you have to write a SELECT query.
    Normally this is stated in the solution setup. If it is not then indeed this should be added.

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    I WAS WRITING A SQL FUNCTION like said "Write a function that..."
    BUT in the correct answer is no a function, its just a simple select statment.