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    Ok, actually, looked at some of the comments and noticed the creator (g964) had this:
    howmuch(10000, 9950) => [["M: 9991", "B: 1427", "C: 1110"]]
    So I just added in some code to switch around the upper and lower limits, so that it always loops from lower to upper... I guess his rule where 0 <= m <= n or m >= n >= 0 applies. Seems a strange twist to throw in there

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    I am getting an error when I "attempt": expected "[[M 9991 B: 1427 C: 1110]]" received "[]" but when I run on my local setup, I get the expected answer, NOT "[]". I am doing this in C#. In other words, I am calling howmuch(9991, 9991), which is the amount of money and I get the value for the boat and car. Anyone else run into this?

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    Just finished in C#. Be wary: in my local environment, I had used two escape characters '\\n' to denote '\n' in a string - and that was perfect. But in the Codewars tool, it only wanted '\n' for some reason...