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    Alright, now I get what "This description is shared between all languages" means...
    Thanks for clearing that up!

    I don't think the ruby example would add anything useful to the description now, so I completely reverted my changes in the description.

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    I think I will edit this kata that way, as creating the dict is a meaningless chore; but in the meantime, enjoy:

    dict={ "0": "-----", "1": ".----", "2": "..---", "3": "...--", "4": "....-", "5": ".....", "6": "-....", "7": "--...", "8": "---..", "9": "----.", "a": ".-", "h": "....", "o": "---", "u": "..-", "b": "-...", "i": "..", "p": ".--.", "v": "...-", "c": "-.-.", "j": ".---", "q": "--.-", "w": ".--", "d": "-..", "k": "-.-", "r": ".-.", "x": "-..-", "e": ".", "l": ".-..", "s": "...", "y": "-.--", "f": "..-.", "m": "--", "t": "-", "z": "--..", "g": "--.", "n": "-.", "A": ".-", "H": "....", "O": "---", "U": "..-", "B": "-...", "I": "..", "P": ".--.", "V": "...-", "C": "-.-.", "J": ".---", "Q": "--.-", "W": ".--", "D": "-..", "K": "-.-", "R": ".-.", "X": "-..-", "E": ".", "L": ".-..", "S": "...", "Y": "-.--", "F": "..-.", "M": "--", "T": "-", "Z": "--..", "G": "--.", "N": "-." };