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    Really interesting challenge, congratulations for the kata.

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    You are correct i was reading it wrong, now test are passing, thanks!

    Still , the description should have an example on odd array

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    you are reading the error log wrong

    testing for [59,71,9,100,8] expected [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 71 ] ] to equal [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 100, 71 ], [ 100 ] ]

    you returned [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 71 ] ], while the answer is (as you calculated) [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 100, 71 ], [ 100 ] ]

    not a kata issue

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    testing for [59,71,9,100,8]
    expected [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 71 ] ]
    to equal [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 100, 71 ], [ 100 ] ]

    I don't fully get it, according to the description
    'If the number of contestants is odd, the last one of the current array becomes the first of the next round.'

    So after the first round we end up with [ 8, 71, 100 ] which is odd, so the calculation should be for 8 && 71 , moving 100 to the next round
    But your test shows in the next round only [ 71 ] instead [ 100, 71 ], and later the answer [ 100 ].

    Also description should have an example with odd array

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    This kata was fun. Thank you. :)

    I wish all katas were explained in this manner instead of long stories in description.

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    In my opinion, you have it wrong
    expected [ [ 29,76,92,72,73,65,55,45,79,41,55,70,89,77,85,23,27,52,73,63,14,47,72,66,79,89,9,18,41,29,25,96,44,33,87,90 ],
    [ 76, 92, 73, 55, 79, 70, 89, 85, 52, 73, 47, 72, 89, 18, 41, 96, 44, 90 ],
    [ 92, 73, 79, 89, 73, 72, 89, 96, 90 ],
    YOU[ 90, 92, 89, 73, 96 ],
    YOU[ 90, 92, 89 ],
    [ 90, 92 ],
    [ 92 ] ]
    to deeply equal [ [ 29,76,92,72,73,65,55,45,79,41,55,70,89,77,85,23,27,52,73,63,14,47,72,66,79,89,9,18,41,29,25,96,44,33,87,90 ],
    [ 76, 92, 73, 55, 79, 70, 89, 85, 52, 73, 47, 72, 89, 18, 41, 96, 44, 90 ],
    [ 92, 73, 79, 89, 73, 72, 89, 96, 90 ],
    ME[ 90, 92, 89, 73, 96 ],
    ME[ 96, 92, 89 ],
    [ 89, 96 ],
    [ 96 ] ]

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    Should be fixed ;-)

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    You probably have mutated the input.

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    I love the way that you have to return two-dimensional array where all the elimination steps are included, good job and very fun kata.

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    I am not sure that the logic in the random tests in python 3.8 are working as expected. I am pretty sure that all outputs should have the input as the first item in the return list. However, on occasion it is saying that an empty list should be the first item in the return list.

    given this input [91, 49, 59, 21]
    I am getting this error:
    [[91, 49, 59, 21], [91, 59], [91]] should equal [[], [91, 59], [91]]
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