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    Thanks a lot. I have visualized the codeexecution step by step and Now I have undrerstood what I have been doing wrong. Tha solution for this kata is corrected. All test passed. Tahnks once again.

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    Mayby I will paste here my soution and you will tell me is it right?

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    Test Results:
    Fixed tests
    Test pangrams
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test non-pangrams
    Incorrect answer for 'This isn't a pangram!': True should equal False
    Incorrect answer for 'abcdefghijklm opqrstuvwxyz': True should equal False
    Incorrect answer for 'Aacdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': True should equal False
    However whan I run this function on Pycharm the output for "Test non-pangrams" is as it should be - False

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution