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    It is there, is being passed, I was just pointing out how is the structure build and the name of it so you can have access to it in your method. Sadly was poorly translated to JS, not being the case in the original language, I feel your frustration but understand that this is a free service of people like you and me helping each other creating this kata, please let me know if you still have trouble solving this in JS and I can help you out.

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    JS users have to check for an array of objects with name employees
    Is not on the instructions but was written on the other languages.

    [{firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", role:"Carpenter"}...]

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    Great kata, there is a small typo on the instructions "...integer positive or negaive."

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    I think the coins structire could be organized by value. 25 / 10, 5, 1. Helpful for people that are not use to those names in their currency.