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    I think we should add the note that "the food will be 3 characters long before AND after the bite marks." to the kata's description: @justintc23

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    Great kata! The only complaint I have is that there are test cases that don't take into account a standard 52-card deck in Texas Hold'Em. There were cases where two people had the same four of a kind, three of a kind, or full house which would be impossible with a 52 card deck. It's no biggie though I was able to change my logic to account for these cases. I had a ton of fun doing this and learned a lot of features of c# I hadn't previously familiarized myself with!

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    Here's a tip for those stuck on the "Triceratops is eating something" that should be "Something is eating something". When considering a case when food is "something", keep in mind that the food will be 3 characters long before AND after the bite marks. that's why it says "... ...". So whatever is in between the food will be the bite mark.