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    The representation of an empty array is very counterintuitive. I know it has been brought up previously but just have to pile on and reiterate that.

    Edit: for C++

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    Could possibly be server side issue. Reload the page and try submit again, but copy your code somewhere first ofcourse.

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    500 is a server side error

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    Javascript naming convention for functions and vars is camelCase.

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    Unfortunately, there's nothing new here (we have already tones of this kind of kata).
    Moreover, you don't have enough tests neither random tests. And once you add random tests to it, you'll run directly into floating points troubles: since you compare strings, you can encounter solutions that will be considered incorrect while they are, just because the calculations are done in a different manner than in your reference solution.

    You should unpublish it, imo.


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    you cannot. All languages have the same rank. The best thing to do in this case is to peek a language and stick to translations in other languages that are consistent considering their difficulty. And refuse translations that makes the kata too hard or too easy in other languages.

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    How can I setup different kata level for different languages?

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    Am I the only one who genuinely finds 6kyu easier than 7kyu?