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    Good kata. Was it a difficult programming challenge? Not really. Did it make me think of real world requirements and applications? Yes. Still an opportunity for good coding practices along the way.

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    Looks like I didn't lost my basic physics knowledge, after all :)

    Thanks for the kata, it was pretty fun to solve :)

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    thanks! will do

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    Refactor random test:
    1.) move input and output inside the function
    2.) show input in test information

    For example:

    @test.describe("Random Tests")
    def tests():
        input, output = generate_test_array()
        for i in range(0,100):
  "input: {input[i]}")
            def test_tnt_order():
                    d = uniform(0.1,384400000)
                    test.assert_approx_equals(necessary_tons_of_tnt(input[i]),output[i], margin=1e-6)
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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    @Jerhard I know it might seem hypocritical, or unfair that there are so many duplicates existing already and that we are so strict with new ones. But the thing is, none of us like the fact that there are so many duplicates, which is exactly why we need to be strict. Lately we have even been trying to remove many of these duplicate katas. (You can see ongoing discussions, and join the discussion on these threads).

    If you have another idea for a kata, and want to check in advance if it is a duplicate or not (before you put the effort into creating it), I encourage you to stop by the discord and ask.

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    To argue over the number of different lines seems, looking at this website, the variance in tasks and the concept of Kata which basically is repitition, implausible. You have made your point,I have made mine. I think we are done here.

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    The task is to have alternating cases in specific words. Thats the difference.

    If all the difference amounts to a single if idx in sarcasm_where: line of code, the katas are effectively the same.

    Is thee a correlation between the satisfaction rate and the approval of Katas?

    A kata must have high satisfaction rating to be approvable. As it is now, it's heading towards automatic retirement instead.

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    Is thee a correlation between the satisfaction rate and the approval of Katas? To be honest I only ventured into this direction because my last Kata wasnt to popular either and everyone seems stoked about string manipulation exercises, judging from the satisfaction rate.

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    There are already plenty of katas requiring to do plenty of things with strings: splitting, reversing, changing case... It's hard to come with a novel idea in this area. Look at the satisfaction rate... I doubt this kata ever gets to be approvable.

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    The task is to have alternating cases in specific words. Thats the difference. I am not justifying anything. I am merely pointing out what you seem to fail to see.

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    I am pretty sure the index array can not point at an index outside the sentence array, as the indices are chosen randomly in a range from 0 to number of words.

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    The task is about changing the word's case to have original-uppercase-original-uppercase-... pattern, not making sarcastic sentences - don't justify lack of novelty with a backstory, that's not how it works.

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    I think it is different enough. IN order to accentuate sarcasm, you have to "sarcastify" specific words, not all of them.

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