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    • assert.deepEqual should be used

    • Node 12 should be enabled

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    Random tests?

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    Good kata.

    You should mention in the description that no special regex characters will be included in the keyword, otherwise people could go the whole hog and sanitise the keyword as well.

    You should also explain that any titles that don't have the keyword should be removed. And reword so that it's not impled the same input array should be returned.

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    Thanks for completing my kata.
    You're absolutely right, I forgot the tags on the example test case. This has now been corrected.

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    The example test case is failing ... seems that you forgot to update it

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    Expected: 'Dan texted Mark from Alex's phone(202-555-0166)\nDan texted Erin from Alex's phone(202-555-0166)\nDan texted Anthony from Alex's phone(202-555-0166)', instead got: 'Dan texted Mark from Alex's phone(202-555-0166)'

    Can't pass this test. Tried my code on jsfiddle and it works!