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    @Kacarott, thank you for acknowledging this. I would probably have realized that it requests a list if I had looked closer to the expected output or the tests, but I usually don't look at tests unless I get a failing test, and the result I got was not a failed test but an error in the code (That was what was frustrating because the code had no errors). And because I am an instruction follower, I can easily dismiss a missing parenthesis in the ([]) sequence. Your solution looks clever to me. Thanks.

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    Yeah, arrays in Python have been around for ages. The issue of python authors mislabelling lists as arrays has probably been around just as long. For newer kata, this should come up during the beta process/translation review, but it exists in a lot of older ones.

    As for descriptions, array should just be read as a general "sequence" data type, since making descriptions very language specific is quite a hassel.

    However in my opinion, the initial solution in Python should definitely refer to elements as lists, not arrays. Reading "array" in the description, but then seeing the argument named "lst" in the initial solution reassures that the input is indeed a list. However seeing the argument named "array" is more confusing, and also misleading to newer users.

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    Thank you so much! I was getting errors about that and did not understand the criteria that was being followed