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    Ah, good idea - I'll give it a shot - thanks again for taking the time to respond, much appreciated :)

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    Hey Zruf - thanks for the resposne
    Without giving too much away - How can I make this more efficient then?
    I would have thought a nested for loop wouldn't be that impactful and on a similar Kata a nested for loop worked fine.
    Also the code above shouldn't be printing two times? The System.Console.writeline is commented out so it only ever "returns" - not sure why it would be printing twice

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    I may be misunderstanding the question - but you do know the contents of the array, as this is passed into the function you are making.

    Arrays can be accessed in most languages like so - assumeing I have an array called "MyArray"

    MyArray[0] - this would grab the first value of the array, MyArray[2] would grab the 3rd and so on.
    You can find the length of the array in - for example C#, by using MyArray.Length

    So with this in mind, you should be able to loop through an array and find the max sum

    I agree with the poster above me - it would help to draw an array on a piece of paper, and figure out how you would do this manually.