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    I think this is an accidental kata. Otherwise, please make a description more informative.

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    Really needs more elements and creativity to make it challenging

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    Really needs a fixed input to build around

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    And yet somebody voted it 1kyu. Rolling on the floor with laughter here!

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    Ok, let's try to put it nicely: welcome as a fellow codewarrior and we all hope that you will joing us for good and for a long while on this training ground.

    As this is indeed a training ground, we are allowed to contribute creating our own kata. Incidentally creating katas proves to be a great source of experience as we have to build tests to work on code we often cannot even imagine and we get to read about other people's wit and creativity.

    Wit and creativity are missing here, as it is all about writing a variable assignment, one of the most basic, plain and flat concepts you can learn in your first hours (if not minutes) as a beginner.

    I invite you thus to refactor this kata a bit, trying to had some of the spice we all around here crave for: challenge :)

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    I felt so bad after solving this kata the first time that I actually had to come up with something different.

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    This seems a tad bit too easy, even for a 8 kyu level.
    How about making it a bit more interesting by adding a constraint, such as "no equal sign allowed in the code" and/or "don't use the number 4"?

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    IMO a kata should not be approved unless it's more challenging than the ones members have to pass just to join CW.

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    is this a joke?

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    a could also equal 3.

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    Came here for my 3 points.

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    It was a joke, i don't like such "katas"... No work, no idea, no kata;-)... And perhaps testing some things should be possible without creating a kata...

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    smile67, I did submit a kata translation to Ruby :D Here: - you should be able to approve

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    But there were some katas like a+b=? with translations to other languages and praising the author:-))...
    Took me some minutes to think about the trick here, so it was not too easy for me;-)...

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