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    Well done JorgeAbad! You are quite the peristent character, a very good trait to have in programming. Good work mate.

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    Object key-value. I don't want to spoil too much, but think of a way to only run once over each string.

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    Look at your strings. Lets say str1 is 'abcde' and str2 is 'cab'. In order to see if this will return true, you need at least 1 'c', 1 'a' and 1 'b'. Determine using the other str if you have those amounts.

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    The answer is no. It's easier than that. Try using an object.

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    There are 50 random tests with string lengths between 0 and 500 and then 4 performance tests with string lengths of 500 000

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    Hi JorgeAbad. Array functions are usually O(n), which basically means that it will run through every element that exists in it, it's a hidden for loop. So if you have code for exmaple like this:

    for(let x = 0; x< array.length; x++) {
       let index = array.indexOf(array[x]);

    That is 2 nested loops, even tho you explicitly only created one, which could blow up your execution time. So just be wary of these "hidden" loops inside array functions,

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    As long as you use 2 nested loops it won't work. Your code should be faster than that.
    That's the reason for both this kata being 5kyu and this note: Performance needs to be considered

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    Yes, that's not fast enough, you have to find a better solution.