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    I'm sorry, my fault: i misinterpreted the upper bound, I used start + limit, instead of simply limit, and I oversaw n < m.....
    In german a sying is: "Man sieht den Wald vor luter Bäumen nicht"

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    Sorry, there is nothing to fix. I think you should re-read the description. Cheers.

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    The Haskell seems to be wrong, the require all "Nothing" but

    buddy 200 1000 == Just (1050, 1925)

    buddy 5000 7726 == Just (5775, 6128)

    buddy 2382 5000 == Just (5775, 6128)

    buddy 2177 2300 == Just (2295, 2024)

    buddy 6419 6900 == Just (8892, 16587)

    buddy 6379 6500 == Just (8892, 16587)

    buddy 3402 3475 == Just (5775, 6128)

    buddy 3684 4362 == Just (5775, 6128)

    Is there anybody who ist able to fix this?