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    Can you post your current solution as a spoiler so i can have a look!

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    Hey, if maxScore was 0 then nobody could win, hence there would be no need to play a game. So i think its all good:)

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    No, im not even calling that function. It says its being called inside the check() method which i dont have access to?

    Bit stumped tbh, any ideas?

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    Need some help with this error, im on the last bomb and seem to get this?

    TypeError: enjoy.toLowerCase is not a function
        at check
        at Object.diffuse
        at /home/codewarrior/index.js:221:6
        at Object.handleError
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    C++ Translation submitted. Please review and approve.

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    Hey, this is just a convention i follow when programming regardless of the language. Its not as if it is bad practice but rather personal preference so no need to really change it tbh

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    Can you explain how this bypasses the kata? Im not familiar with Java test cases but im extremely curious about this solution.

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    Can you show what the value was to win the match ie. maxScore and also tell us what language you are using?:)

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    Tests seem to work now. Unknown cause of errors running before

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    Published by mistake, have an error with random tests, they dont seem to all run for some reason. i will investigate. This is a tricky kata to translate to C++ but im nearly there. ANy help would be appreciated

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    Hey, you can pass the random tests easily without having bounds checking in your code. My code wasnt properly checking combinations with 00 in them like this R00-R98-R54" so it was failing so i just spammed attempt until the random cases didnt produce an answer with 00 in the code. Maybe add some fixed cases that test for it?

    Anyways, good kata!

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    Done, thank you :)

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    @adrian.eyre, agreed, updated the description.

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