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I never knew there was an endsWith method! So concise, love it
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That's it? wow lmao
Toppp! Não conhecia esse eval ai.
You can add a comment to clarify (as I did)
Wanted to do the same thing but I felt it would not be readable to a newbie. Thinking about it again and I think its readable
nice solution, thanks that i learned how to create an array with an object 👍
Oh, theoretically correct using set. Your Big-O should be n
That's it! Thank you very much for pointing that out!
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também não
I never knew there was an endsWith method! So concise, love it
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That's it? wow lmao
Não conhecia esse eval ai.
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
You can add a comment to clarify (as I did)
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Wanted to do the same thing but I felt it would not be readable to a newbie. Thinking about it again and I think its readable
nice solution, thanks that i learned how to create an array with an object 👍
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Oh, theoretically correct using set. Your Big-O should be n
That's it! Thank you very much for pointing that out!
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