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    Thank you for writing clear and specific description for this Kata without an ambiguity at all. The example and Clarification helped a lot. Admittingly, it still took me for several days to figure out the scenario before coding. It is interesting, [2,3,10] and [10,3,2] results in different outtocme.

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    Thank you for having specific and clear description what this Kata asks for. In contrast, I often feel the descriptions of several Kata(s) especially those in OOP tag are often ambiguous, resulting in taking more time for me to figure out what Kata asks for than actually thnking abut the code.

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    I enjoyed this Kata. This Kata looks simple but I struggled a lot. At the end, finally I made it. My solution was long and a lot inefficient. Looking foward seeing how other people solved this.

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    I think the question of this Kata should also mention about expecting the lower case for all others except for making the first charactor upper.