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    The description doesn't mention that moving to page through navigate after calling back a few times modifies the URL history.

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    Please have someone proofread your texts. This Description again has errors in it.

    Also, free advice, worth what you paid for it: focus on getting your existing kata right instead of churning out new ones with the same mistakes as the old ones. Try to learn slowly from your mistakes.

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    Could do with more and bigger tests. This probably can be achieved most easily by implementing random tests.

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    Please add Example and random Submit tests.

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    I've fixed the most blatant errors in the Description. I won't hold that against you, English may not be your first language. I've also changed the estimated rank. This is not a 4 ..

    If you intended to not just shadow "".split, you need better testing. You also need random testing, regardless. And assertDeepEquals was invented for a reason.

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    Aliasing a built-in is a terrible kata design.