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    I could be doing something wrong but the random test case is generating values that are too large to store in any data type. This post, I assume, is referring to that. I am using Java and storing the product as a long.

    Edit: I found what the workaround is and I imagine that is why this is 6 kyu and quite the challenge. Very cool! I like what this does. :)

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    Could you elaborate?

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    Hello, I don't know if you've figured this one out yet, but essentially you're checking every list and its indices against each other. So when you write [1,2,3,4,5,6] == [2,5,6,4,3,1], you're essentially writing [1]==[2], [2]==[5], [3]==[6] etc.
    A list is a series of indexes with each index containing something, so you're not just checking to see if the contents of the two lists are the same, you're checking to see if the contents of each list is the same AND is in the same place (i.e at the same index) of both lists.

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